Eisiúint Nuachta – News Releases

Dáta/Dáta 05/01/2023

Tá áthas ar fhoireann An Súgán a fhógairt go bhfuil siad faighte agus glactha le tairiscintí maoinithe, chun Dearadh Eispéireas na gCuairteoirí a chur i gcrích do Mhúsaem na Gaeilge agus Athbheochan Na Gaeilge sa tSúgán.

Dúirt Seán Ó Súilleabháin, ball foirne An Súgán,

“Is í Forbairt Eispéireas na gCuairteoirí, bunaithe ar an gcleachtadh scóip roimhe seo, an chéad chéim mhór eile chun An Súgán a thabhairt ar an saol. Cosúil leis an script do dhráma, tabharfaidh an fhorbairt seo cur síos mionsonraithe ar ábhar agus ar riachtanais chur i láthair na dtaispeántas agus na ngnéithe den mhúsaem. Nuair a bheidh an chéim seo críochnaithe, beimid ag an bpointe a mbeidh an músaem ‘réidh le sluasaid’.

“Táimid thar a bheith buíoch as suim agus tacaíocht leanúnach Údarás na Gaeltachta, Ciste Pobail Feirm Ghaoithe Grousemount, agus Ciste Pobail SSE Renewables, dár dtionscadal.”

An Súgán team are pleased to announce receipt and acceptance of funding offers, to carry out the Visitor Experience Design for An Súgán Museum of the Irish language and Gaelic Revival.

Seán Ó Súilleabháin, An Súgán team member commented,

“The Visitor Experience Development, based on the previous scoping exercise, is the next major step on the road to bringing An Súgán into existence. Like the script for a play, this development will provide a detailed description of the content and presentational requirements of the museum exhibits and features. When this phase is completed, we will be at the point where the museum is ‘shovel ready’.

“We are extremely grateful for the continuing interest and support of Údarás na Gaeltachta, Grousemount Windfarm Community Fund, and SSE Renewables Community Fund, for our project.”

Dáta/Dáta 8/11/2022

D’eisigh Comhairle Contae Chorcaí an Deimhniú um Shábháilteacht ó Dhóiteán uimhir FSC2201187CC dár músaeim. Leanann sé seo ón Deimhniú Rochtana Míchumais uimhir DAC2201780CC ar 04/05/2022 a eisíodh don tionscadal molta níos luaithe sa bhliain.

Dúirt Tim Twomey, ball foirne An Súgán:

“Leis an dá theastas seo eisithe anois níl aon chúiseanna pleanála ná rialála ann a thuilleadh nach féidir leis an tionscadal dul ar aghaidh.

“Íocadh táillí ar an iarratas pleanála agus an dá theastas le deontais ón gClár Gníomhaíochta Pobail um Chuimsiú Sóisialta (SICAP) agus ó Chiste Pobail Feirm Ghaoithe Grousemount. Táimid thar a bheith buíoch den dá chomhlacht as a dtacaíocht.”

Cork County Council issued Fire Safety Certificate number FSC2201187CC for our museum building design. This follows on from Disability Access Certificate number DAC2201780CC on 04/05/2022 which was issued for the proposed project earlier in the year.

Tim Twomey, An Súgán team member remarked:

“With these two certificates now issued there are no longer any planning or regulatory reasons why the project cannot proceed.

“Fees for the planning application and the two certificates were paid for with grants from the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP) and from Grousemount Windfarm Community Fund. We are most grateful to both of these funding bodies for their support.”

Dáta/Dáta 01/11/2022

D’fhógair foireann An Súgán inniu go bhfuil deontas faighte acu ó chiste Fiontraíochta Sóisialta SICAP do chleachtadh scóipe chun an Tionscadal “Fhorbairt Eispéireas Cuairteoirí” (VED) a shainiú don Súgán, Músaem na Gaeilge agus Athbheochan na Gaeilge.

Ag trácht ar an gcleachtadh scóipe, dúirt Heidi Houlihan, ball foirne An Súgán,

“Cuirfidh an cleachtadh scóipeála sonraíocht iomlán ar fáil don VED a dhéanfar ina dhiaidh sin. Soláthróidh an VED féin plean taispeántais mionsonraithe agus ábhar scripte a fhágfaidh go mbeifear in ann costáil mhionsonraithe do gach gné de chur i bhfeidhm An tSúgáin a tháirgeadh.”

Today An Súgán team announced that they have received a grant from the SICAP Social Enterprise fund for a scoping exercise to define the “Visitor Experience Development” (VED) Project for An Súgán, Museum of the Irish Language and Gaelic Revival.

Commenting on the scoping exercise, Heidi Houlihan, An Súgán team member commented,

“The scoping exercise will provide an overall specification for the actual VED which will follow next. The VED itself will provide a detailed exhibit plan and script materials which will enable detailed costings for all aspects of An Súgán’s implementation to be produced.”

Dáta/Dáta 31/03/2022

Cheadaigh Comhairle Contae Chorcaí inniu ár n-iarratas 22/04205 chun úsáid an fhoirgnimh a athrú ó theach cónaithe go “Músaem/halla Pobail, le haghaidh athruithe ar fhuinneoga agus chun slí isteach sráide agus céimeanna nua a thógáil.”

Ag trácht dó, dúirt Tim Twomey, ball foirne An Súgán.

“Seo an chéad chéim eile ar an mbóthar chun An Súgán a thógáil. Leis an gcead seo, baineadh constaic fhéideartha eile amach.”

Today Cork County Council approved our application 22/04205 for change of use of the building from dwelling house to “Museum/Community hall, for alterations to fenestration and elevations of same and for construction of a new accessible street access and steps.”

Commenting, Tim Twomey, An Súgán team member said.

“This is the next step on the road to bringing An Súgán into existence. With this approval, another potential obstacle has been removed.”




Dáta/date: 1/4/2022

To download our latest newsletter click here (English) or here (Irish)

Dáta/date: 26/10/2021

The Feasibility Study for An Súgán is now complete, and demonstrates the viability of the project, and is downloadable form the ansugan.ie website.

Commenting, Tim Twomey, An Súgán team member said “Completion of the feasibility study is another major milestone in our development of the museum, and represents a further improvement in the overall concepts.

We gratefully acknowledge our funders, the Department of Rural and Community Development and the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas – LEADER 2014-2020.

Our next steps will be to obtain the necessary planning permissions for the building.”

Dáta/date: 9/11/2020

Tá Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh tar éis deontas a fháil ó rannpháirtíochta lucht spéise 2020 (ciste le haghaidh iarsmalanna beaga, réigiúnacha agus sain-iarsmalanna seachbhrabúsach) an Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta chun feabhas a chur ar suíomh idirlín Cumann Staire Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh (Ballingeary Historical Society) ag Ballingearyhs.com.

Tar éis ceithre seachtaine an-gníomhacha, tá an suíomh nua beo anois. Tá 16 n-eagrán de dialannaí an gCumann Staire ar fail le haghaidh íoslódáil, chomh maith le réimse ábhair suimiúla eile a bhaineann le stair na gceantaire.

Ina theannta sin, tá réimse an suíomh tar éis eirí níos leithne. Tá eolas le fáil ar scéim staire nua an phobal, An Súgán, iarsmalann den Gaeilge agus de athbheochán na Gaeilge I mBéal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh.

Tá miniú gairid agus amlíne de n-Athbheocháin na Gailge, an Gaeilge é féin agus an bpáirt a ghlac Coláiste na Mumhan, Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh. Tosnaíonn an achomair le cuairt a thug Pádraig Mac Piarais, nach raibh ach dhá bhliain is fiche d’aois faoin am sin, ar an gceantar sa bhliain 1902 agus oscailt an coláiste dhá bhliain níos déanaí ar an 4ú de mhí Iúil, 1904.

Mar chuid den obair atá á dhéanamh ag Choiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh, tá méid mór griangrafanna ón tréimhse ar an suíomh anois atá bailithe, deisithe agus daite acu. Sa bhailiúcháin seo, tá griangrafanna a thaispeánann an-chuid daoine cáiliúla, ar nós Traolach Mac Suibhne (Terence MacSweeney) a raibh mar dalta ar Coláiste na Mumhan sa bhliain 1913.

Is féidir le cuarteóirí ar an suíomh trí físeáin a fheiscint, a chabhraíonn chun eachtraí an tréimhse seo a léiriú.

Tugann breis is 25 beatháisnéisí gairid léargas ar iad a shamhlaigh, a fothaigh agus a forbair Coláiste na Mumhan, Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh, chomh maith leis na daoine a spreag sé. Chuaigh an-chuid dóibh ar aghaidh chun clú agus cáil a bhaint amach, ní hamháin san Éireann, ach go h-idirnáisiúnta le h-aghaidh a chuid oibre ar son neamhspleáchas agus bhunú an Saorstát.

Dúirt Tim Twomey, ball den fhoireann atá ag obair ar cúrsaí An Súgán:

“Táimíd an-buíoch den Roinn as an cistiú atá tugtha acu le haghaidh an suíomh idirlín Ballingearyhs.com a fheabhsú .

“Tá an foireann agus an bpobal áitiúil tar éis an-chuid oibre a dhéanamh le déanaí chun é seo a chur le chéile san am gairid a bhí ar fáil, agus táimíd an-shásta leis an dtoradh.

“Céim mór atá déanta againn anseo leis an deis ábhar a bhaineann le tionscadal an iarsmalann a chur ar fáil ar suíomh idirlín an gCumann staire. Cabhraíonn sé go mór len ár sprioc chun iarsmalann a bhunú sa foirgneamh a thosaíodh an Choláiste na mblianta fada ó shin.

Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh, has been awarded a grant from the Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht 2020 audience engagement fund for small, regional and specialised museums, to upgrade the Cumann Staire Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh (Ballingeary Historical Society) website at Ballingearyhs.com.

After a very intense four-week project, the updated site is now live. The site offers for download 16 editions of the Cumann Staire journals and a range of fascinating historical materials.

In addition, the scope of the site has been greatly expanded with information on the latest community historical project, An Súgán, Museum of the Irish Language and Gaelic Revival, Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh.

An Súgán material on the website includes an overview and timeline of the Gaelic Revival, the Irish language and an introduction to the role played by Ballingeary’s Coláiste na Mumhan, beginning with the visit to the village of the 22-year old Padraig Pearse in 1902, followed by the opening of the Coláiste on July 4th 1904 and the years that followed.

A large number of contemporary photographs have been gathered restored and colourised using state of the art techniques; subjects include many well-known historical figures such as Traolach Mac Suibhne/Terence MacSwiney who was a student at Coláiste na Mumhan in 1913.

Three short videos help bring these early times to life.

More than 25 biographical sketches give an insight into the personalities who imagined, established, supported, and were inspired by Coláiste na Mumhan, Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh. Many of them went on to become famous nationally and internationally for their part in the struggle for independence and the formation of the new Free State.

Tim Twomey, An Súgán team member commented:

“We are very grateful to the Department for funding the upgrade to the Ballingearyhs.com website.

“The team and the local community have been very busy making this happen in the short time available and we are very pleased with the result.

“The opportunity to add material related to our museum project represents a great boost towards our ultimate goal of establishing our museum in the original Coláiste Building in the centre of our village.”

Dáta/date: 08/10/2020

Tar éis do chúig cinn de chomhlachtaí gabháil in iomaíocht dhian lena chéile, bronnadh an conradh d’fhonn staidéar fiúntais a dheanamh ar an dtionscnamh iarsmalainne, An Súgán, ar Mirador Media Ltd., An Trá Mhór, Contae Phort Láirge. Ar na háiteanna turasthóireachta is mó le rá ar fuaid na hÉireann a raibh baint ag Mirador leo tá: Ionad Mhichíl Cíosóg, Páirc Oidhreachta Náisúnta na hÉireann, Iarsmalann Chnoic Muire, Ionad Oidhreachta Chóbh, Lifetime Labs, Ionad Cuairteoirí Sean-Séipéal, Comhairle Baile Inis Córthaidh, Comhairle Contae Phort Láirge, Iarsmalann Stíle Dhroichead Nua, Páirc Foraoise Loch Cé, Páirc Oidhreachta Loilgeach Mór, Príosún Aenach, Ionad Náisiúnta Éirí Amach 1798, Príosún Chill Mhantáin, Comhairle Contae Thiobraid Árann, Teach Solais Rinn Duáin, Comhairle Contae Loch Garman, Inis Píc agus i bhfad níos mó.

Cuirfear tús leis an obair go luath agus beifear ag lorg eolais ón bpobal.


Mirador Media Ltd, Tramore County Waterford has been awarded the contract to complete the feasibility study for the An Súgán museum project after a competitive tendering process involving five companies. Mirador has been responsible for high profile visitor attractions around Ireland, including The Michael Cusack Centre, The Irish National Heritage Park, Knock Shrine Museum, Lifetime Labs, The Old Church Visitor Centre, Cobh Heritage Centre, Enniscorthy Town Council, Waterford County Council, The Newbridge Museum of Style Icons, Lough Key Forest Park, Lullymore Heritage & Discovery Park, Nenagh Gaol, The National 1798 Rebellion Centre, Wicklow Gaol, Tipperary County Council, Hook Lighthouse, Wexford County Council, Spike Island and many more.

Work will begin shortly, reaching out to the community for information.

Dáta/date: 28/09/2020

Dhein Clár Leader Mhúscraí bronnadh €25,925.24 ar Choiste Forbartha Bhéal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh, 90% den gcostas a theastaíonn le haghaidh staidéar fairsing a dhéanamh ar fhiúntas An Súgán, Iarsmalann Athbheochan is Theanga na Gaeilge a moltar do Bhéal Átha an Ghaorthaidh. Tagairt an tionscnaimh: 06LDRUNG211276.


Clár LEADER Mhúscrai has awarded Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh a grant of €25,925.24 representing 90% funding for an extensive feasibility study into An Súgán, the proposed Museum of the Gaelic Revival and Irish Language in Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh. Project reference: 06LDRUNG211276.

Dáta/date: 02/09/2020

Tá an páipéarachas a aistríonn seilbh bhunfhoirgneamh Cholaiste Mhúinteoireachta na Mumhan i bhfearas, agus tá na cáipéisí sínithe. Ceaptar Iarsmalann Athbheochan agus Theanga na Gaeilge a dhéanamh den áitreabh. Míle buíochas le cách a dhein a gcion i maoiniú agus i gceannach an fhoirghnimh.


The paperwork for transfer of ownership of the original building for Coláiste Múinteoireachta na Mumhan, Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh has now been completed and the documents signed. The aim is to turn the building into a museum of the Gaelic Revival and Irish language. Huge thanks go to all those involved in the donation and purchase.


Tá laistíos pictiúr de Thadhg Ó Tuama agus Tadhg Ó Duinnín ag síniú na ngníomhra/ Below is a picture of Tim Twomey and Tadhg Ó Duinnín signing the deeds.


Dáta/date: 16/07/2020

Tá clár goradáin cúig mhí de chuid Champus Ghnó Shoisialta Éireann curtha de ag Tadhg Ó Tuama, le maoiniú ó SECAD agus i dtaca le hIarsmalann Athbheochan agus Theanga na Gaeilge a moltar I mBéal Átha’n Gaorthaidh.


Tim Twomey has completed a five month “Incubator” programme from the Irish Social Business Campus (ISBC), funded through SECAD, in support of the development of An Súgán, the proposed Museum of the Gaelic Revival and Irish Language in Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh.


Cliceáil ar an nasc thíos chun féacháint ar an bhfíseán faoin dtogra/ Click the link to view the project showcase video:

Dáta/date: 07/07/2020

Bronnadh €2500 ar Iarsmalann Athbheochan is Teanga na Gaeilge a moltar i mBéal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh ó Chiste Phobal Fheirm Ghaoithe Cleanrath.


The An Súgán – project: The proposed Museum of the Gaelic Revival and Irish Language in Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh has been awarded €2500 from the Cleanrath Wind Farm community fund.


Dáta/date: 08/03/2020

Cad fé ndeara An Súgán a thabhairt mar ainm ar an Iarsmalann Athbheochan agus Theanga na Gaeilge? Téad a deintear trí thráithníní tuí a fhí ina chéile is ea Súgán. Dá mhéad brobh atá ann is ea is treise é.

Is é is cuspóir leis an Súgán scéal na ndaoine seo a insint, scéal a léiríonn mar a chuaigh an cultúr, meon na haimsire agus an stair ina chéile in athbheochan na teangan d’fhonn dlús a chur sa ghluaiseacht a mbeadh Cogadh na Saoirse mar thoradh uirthi.


The name An Súgán – meaning a twisted straw rope – has been chosen for the proposed Museum of the Gaelic Revival and Irish Language in Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh. A straw rope is stronger for the strands which go into making it, and the museum aims to tell the stories of how the strands of culture, opinion and history during the Gaelic Revival were interwoven, through the language movement, helping to build the momentum which led to the War of Independence.


Dáta/date: 22/10/2019

Tá deontas faighte ag Coiste Forbartha Bhéal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh CLG ó theaghlach fláithiúil ón áit chun gur acmhainn don gcoiste an foirgneamh ina raibh an chéad Choláiste Oiliúna Gaeilge, Coláiste Múinteoireachta na Mumhan, a cheannach thar cheann an phobail. Taobh leis an séipéal i mBéal Átha’n Ghaothaidh atá an foirgneamh.

Ar an 4 Iúil, 1904 a d’oscail an coláiste a dhóirse don chéad uair, ócáid gur thug Sagart Paróiste na linne, an tAthair Ó Muirthile, ‘lá na gcéadta bliain’ uirthi.

Is ins san áitreabh seo a bheidh ‘Iarsmalann Athbheochan agus Theanga na Gaeilge.’


Coiste Forbartha Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh CLG has received a donation from a generous local family to enable the committee to purchase, on behalf of the community, the building which housed Ireland’s first Irish language teaching college, Coláiste Múinteoireachta na Mumhan, next to the church in Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh.

The Coláiste first opened its doors July 4th 1904, an occasion described by the then Parish Priest Father Hurley as “An Auspicious Commencement”.

It is intended that the building will become home to the “Museum of the Gaelic Revival and Irish language”.


Laistíos tá grianghraf den dtaobh amuigh den fhoirgneamh mar atá sa lá atá inniu ann/ Below is a photo of the outside of the building today.




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